The Magic of Mistakes

As we’ve grown our business or, in other words, grown a deeper capacity for sharing our work, and connecting with other people, we’ve learned a lot of very difficult/exciting ☯️ lessons.

We make mistakes, we throw work out, we wrestle with ideas that don’t translate, we get our feelings hurt, we misunderstand and all that tumbles us along as we learn and explore the ultraviolet impulse: to make, to connect, to celebrate, to find presence, to see, to be seen, to enjoy life, to mourn, to love, to create.
The chaotic-horrible-beauty-detritus of life never stops pushing in shaping and challenging us creativity translates, the frequency prevails: the art rises.
Today I posted a picture here on Instagram that I felt good about. I added some text in Canva and the image sufficiently communicated my point. What could go wrong? Well, if you look at it on the grid, it looks poorly intended.
When we first started out both as photographers (many 🌚 ago) and then almost 4 years ago painting, the littlest things like that would really crippled me but over time I’ve realized that while what we share has shape and life and energy and beauty all it’s own: it comes with its flaws and how we and others see those is itself valuable. We joke that our work is a Rorschach test. But isn’t everything?
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